SMCTA's 28th new ExCo has been swore-in on 26-September 2022 (Monday). The ExCo continues to be led by Mr. Rex Tan as the President and joined by 14 other members. Among them, three new members have joined the ExCo this time round, they are as follows:
AM Motor Werkz Pte Ltd, represented by Mr. Azari Minhad
Ethan White Production Pte Ltd, represented by Mr. Jeffrey Sim
Yew Heng Group Pte Ltd, represented by Mr. Andrew Sin
The 1st ExCo meeting was held on 26-September 2022 (Monday), and deliberations continued for multiple planned activities such as the SMCTA Annual Dinner and engagements with our trade partners. The new ExCo is committed to drive up member engagement, especially with the Covid-19 restriction behind us. The team will also continue to reach out to motorcycle industry stakeholders to ensure that our trade remains robust and current.