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***COE @ $9,689*** (2021)




CAT D COE price for Sep-2021 COE 1st bidding was at $9,689.

Many interesting motorcycle sales ads surfaced with marketing taglines such as "Best time to trade-in", "Low prices COEs available", "We want your bikes", "COE $9XXX, YAY or NAH?" and many more.

They seemed to be tainted with worries where the COE price will be heading next.

Not only are our members and end customers concerned about the insanely high COE prices, LTA has also promptly addressed the recent CAT D COE high prices feedback through the Straits Times Forum.

The fact of the matter is many owners depend on their motorcycles to support their livelihood. It is safe to say all stakeholders are really edgy about the current situation.

At the upcoming bi-annual dialogue with LTA on 28-Sep-2021, SMCTA ExCo looks

forward to encouraging LTA to move from "monitoring" stance to a proactive action plan.

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